Thursday, March 1, 2012

p.s. We don't like math


  1. haha so true for some things. I honestly think that they should just stop teaching math after percent and proportions.

  2. same seriously what's the point of teaching the rest?

  3. hi guys i just want u to know that if i had to choose between asparagus and math ( i hate hate hate asparagus) i would risk my tongue and choose aspargus... thats means i would have to cut my tongue off to get the horrible taste out of my mouth so ya i do not like math at allllllllllll.

  4. I agree math is terrible! and asparagus is very bad too! Thank You for posting your comment.

  5. i love you and i want to get married and have a tasty wedding cake!

  6. the pen isnt washable.........

  7. don't worry we are not females that want to marry females theirs a word for that but i don't know how to spell it its the opposite of gay. We do like cake though:)

  8. the bread was amaaaaazzzzing!!! to think it started out as a liquid 11 days ago. it just rises so fast. :_)
